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Quick Start

Start Network

Start the network by starting MarketMaker on a machine:

$ adborc marketmaker start

Supply Devices

To supply devices to the network, join the network as a Supplier. This can be done from the same computer as the MarketMaker or from any another computer that has the devices connected to it. All communication between the MarketMaker, Supplier and Consumer is encrypted and authenticated. But by default, the device communications over adb are not encrypted. To enable encryption, use the --secure flag when starting the Supplier. This will enable encrypted tunnels for all devices that are supplied by the Supplier. To join the network as a Supplier:

$ adborc supplier start <MarketMaker_IP/HostName>

# Or, if you wish to enable secure mode
$ adborc supplier start <MarketMaker_IP/HostName> --secure

# Supply specific devices to the network
$ adborc supplier supply --devices "<android_serial1>,<android_serial2>,..."

# Or, supply all connected devices
$ adborc supplier supply

Use Devices

To use devices from the network, join the network as a Consumer. This can be done from the same computer as the MarketMaker or from any another computer. To join the network as a Consumer:

$ adborc consumer start <MarketMaker_IP/HostName>

# List available devices
$ adborc consumer list-available

# Reserve devices
$ adborc consumer reserve <device_id>

# Use the devices via adb
$ adb shell

# Or, use the devices via scrcpy
$ adborc consumer scrcpy <device_id>